First term was an executive summary of painful GD sessions, non stop introductions, more so to the mosquitoes and insects of the badminton court .Getting up for eight thirty classes and for most of us, the first introduction to CAM, with a gifted teacher, whose gift to most of us, I can safely say was a B minus. The only thing I learnt was how to decode the language of the Sir, to English, but alas, I got the same gift as the rest of the multitude. Second term, was a flurry of mathematical based subjects, of which, I genuinely know very little. Specially OR, where I seriously learnt how to cheat, with the help of the nicest partners on my opposite desks. Could not draw any transportation diagram, and all the transportation I wanted to do, was of mine outside the hall. Third term, Passions, was on our mind and in our hearts, couldn’t think of anything else .And when we were finished with it, we got up like Rip van vinkles and suddenly realized the next...
This blog is the chalk with which i dirty the black board of opinion; whats YOURS ???